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The Akron Holy War | Feature Film Documentary | Director, Producer 

Rated PG | 95 minutes



Anthony is the director, producer and creator of The Akron Holy War, feature film documentary about the storied football rivalry between two Akron, Ohio parochial high school football powerhouses and the city that embraces them.


Documenting nearly 60 years of history, the film also takes you inside of both schools (Archbishop Hoban and St. Vincent St. Mary), in the locker rooms and on the field during the week leading up to and culminating in 2016’s game. played in front of 20,000 people. 


The Akron Holy War depicts the true emotion of the game, on and off of the field, told exclusively from the people who have lived it.  The Akron Holy War is 48 minutes that lasts a lifetime.



The Akron Holy War premiered in front of 1,200 people on September 17, 2017 at the Akron Civic Theatre in Akron, OH, then had a very successful 2 week regional theatrical run in Ohio which sold out show after show. 


Following the L.A. premiere on October 11, 2017 at the Laemmle NoHo 7 in North Hollywood, CA, The Akron Holy War was released exclusively on Amazon Video on October 17, 2017.


The Next Steps | Writer, Producer, Creator, Lead


The Next Steps is a 22 episode digital comedy series created by Anthony. Currently,  The Next Steps streams exclusively on Amazon Video and has won an Amazon Video Direct Star Award every month it's been streaming (Award given to top TV Shows based on views, minutes watched and audience engagement). The show follows Chris and Beth's journey as they navigate through the ups and downs of a relationship that's stuck in a big rut. 







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Aphotic Productions | Anthony's Production Company


Aphotic Productions has created 5 horror/suspense (short) films that Anthony wrote and produced, along with 2 pieces of branded content for Mashable and Crypt TV, and 12 short films (currently in post-production for 13 Stories TV.  Currently all 5 shorts can be streamed exclusively on Amazon Video, as well as coming soon to DVD, distributed by Ruthless Pictures.  







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